Our offices will be closed from December 18, 2023, and reopen January 2, 2024

Making The Right Call: Business Registration vs Incorporation

So, you’ve come up with a great idea for a commercial venture, and now you want to formalise that commercial venture by putting a legal structure in place. Good. Your next question may naturally be, “what does this look like?”. Great question. Two of the most common (though not only) legal structures in Jamaica are a registration as a business (usually a sole trader), or a for-profit limited liability company. This article will look broadly at some of the […]

Making Babies in Real Estate: Creating Subdivision & Strata Titles

Through real estate development, land and the Certificates of Title thereto, are capable of reproducing, by being divided into smaller pieces. The method used to divide a piece of real estate, and its corresponding title, significantly informs the legal obligations surrounding its ownership and management. In Jamaica, real estate can be divided into smaller parcels […]

Buyer Beware: Key Considerations in purchasing Strata Property in Jamaica

Strata real estate developments are those established under the Registration (Strata Titles) Act (the “Act”), and are similar to what persons know as “condominiums” overseas. They have become a popular real estate option in Jamaica, offering individuals an affordable, community-oriented lifestyle with shared amenities. However, purchasing a unit in a Strata is not without risks. […]

Don’t Blow Away Your Insurance Claim: Avoiding Breaches of Your Property Insurance Policy

Property peril insurance is a cornerstone of financial security, protecting your property from unforeseen disasters. So much so, that Strata properties must have insurance, and if you purchased with a mortgage, it is likely that your mortgage provider will also require you to take out insurance to protect your property. This insurance is a two-way […]